The High Hatters

The High Hatters was a house band for Victor Records.  Victor paid handsomely, and attracted some very, very talented musicians, as you will hear.  They recorded from 1928 to 1932: the very best four years for music, ever.


I don’t want to dream (1930)

I’m in love with you (1929)

Look for the silver lining (1929)

I want to be loved by you (1928) vocal by Sam Coslow

Spell of the blues (1928) vocal by Sam Coslow

Red hot and blue rhythm (1930) vocal by Johnny Marvin

You can’t believe my eyes (1929)

If I were only sure of you (1931)

My love parade (1929)

Nobody’s using it now (1929)

Right out of heaven (1928)

Singing in the bathtub (1930)

Wipin’ the pan (1928)





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