The future of elections

We have the extraordinary good fortune of living in the greatest period in human history. Most Americans would blithely dismiss that statement even without seeing it as untrue.  It’s like being healthy: you just wake up and do your thing.  Nobody but a survivor of a near-death experience thinks about waking up and thanking the universe for…
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Why Sanders Is Nonsense.

Okay, allow me a little hyperbole. He’s not an abstraction. Bernie Sanders probably has a higher IQ than my cat, or me, for that matter. It’s just that he is gifted by nature with the appearance of a crazy professor, but he’s not been given a concomitant dose of professorial sense.  Here is his stance…
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Cuba! (Posted for a friend.)

Cuba has been nominated to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for its work in fighting Ebola in Africa along with its outstanding health care solidarity work around the world.  And with good reason! When most countries including our own stood aside as the epidemic raged in West Africa, Cuba without hesitation rushed to the side of…
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The Real Thing

It just occurred to me: at the root of all human behavior is the desire to discover and to hold The Real Thing. It can be a god. It can be a can of soda. It can be an author. It can be a house. It can be an article in a magazine.  The Real Thing gives us…
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Science triumphant: Yes, it’s Pluto!

Who ever thought, even a few years ago, that we’d ever have anything as cool as a detailed photograph of Pluto’s surface?  Hell, even the Hubble was only able to give a picture that wasn’t more than a whitish smudge! Truly, we live in extraordinary times.  This is, quite possibly, the best time in human history to be alive….
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Vita brevior.

Yes indeed, life is too damn quick. I like this whole “waking up and living” thing.  After 56 years, I have gotten very used to it.  The prospect of having only 20 or 30 years left doesn’t thrill me, and I realize that many people turn to religion’s easy comfort so they can more easily spend those…
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Greece: Back to the Drachma

When I was taking a college course back in the late 80s, the professor asked us to write opinion pieces for publication in “a European newspaper” arguing either for or against the introduction of a common currency before the introduction of a common government. I argued that the expert on monetary, customs, and postal unions…
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Uh oh.  I’m evolving.

What, me vote for a Republican? Maybe, maybe Rand Paul.  There are a lot of ‘ifs’ — if  he repudiates the anti-environmentalism of the GOP if  he makes it clear that there is no role for religion in politics if  he supports federal investment in railroads — Well, I guess I won’t be voting for a Republican after all.