Car Care vs. Health Care

Why is it that Americans easily understand the need for universal car insurance but so many can’t grasp that human beings deserve at least as much care as one would gladly give a car?

Opposition to Obama

Okay, America, admit it: 90% of you who “disapprove” of Obama’s Presidency are racists. RACISTS. You’ve all been hiding ever since George Wallace and Richard Nixon gave you a corner to hide in. But watch out, pigs: white people won’t be a majority in just a few short years. (I’m a white guy and I don’t give…
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Got gas?

What the hey.  The world can’t live on pellet stoves and solar batteries.  Sooner or later, the value of natural gas will become apparent.  And if you have a couple of thousand dollars hanging around in a bank account, you’re getting less than 1% interest.  If you put it in a CD, you’re lucky to…
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The next big thing: ruh-roh.

According to this article in Der Spiegel, the German weekly newsmagazine, more than half of all commercial properties in the U.S. that carry mortgages are “under water”. Given that the typical commercial mortgage is 10 years, and that the interest costs are paid up front (quite different from home mortgages), most commercial buyers get a…
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Speak more.

Speak more than one language, for crying out loud.  You can do it on the site below for about $35.  That gives you six months of learning. {{desc}} via Babbel – Enjoy Learning Languages.


I got this in my inbox this morning (Sunday Nov. 8 2009) and it caused me to get all righteous and riled, so I did what any normal person would do and put it on my blog.  With comments, of course. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty…
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