Apple? I’d rather chew gum.
Politicians have always stretched the truth, embellished facts with indecorous deceits, and otherwise pushed the boundaries of decency. There is, however, a new, deeper level of lying in this generation of Republicans. It’s not just Romney, though he is a particularly annoying kind of liar. When Perry speaks of his Christian nation nonsense and suggests…
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This is the funniest thing I’ve seen in years. “NEWT GINGRICH” â a Bad Lip Reading Soundbite – watch more funny videos
What an idea! Greece can get out of its debt crisis easily. All the PM has to do is to say, “We’re going to leave the Euro!”, then buy up a shitload of stock the next morning. By the next day, retract the statement. Sell those stocks as they jump through the roof. Repeat as…
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The Republicans target American workers – Rex Nutting – MarketWatch. Why would I try to write something as good as this? It would amount to reinventing the wheel by making it round. Hm.
Let’s get one thing understood right away, and that is this: “Middle East” is a European term, invented by cartographers in service to imperial powers. It is telling that so many in Palestine refer to “the Middle East” and don’t see the irony. Imagine if we referred to America as Sovershenniy Shtaaty Amerikoy? We would,…
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Well, what else did you expect? Standard & Poor’s put the U.S out of the AAA club and into the AA+ fraternity. Apparently, nobody flinched when Reagan increased…
Wanna know why the government’s biggest job right now is NOT to cut spending? Read what the IMF thinks. In short, history shows that doing exactly what Obama and his Republican friends are ready to do is likely to lead to precisely the opposite effect from that which they desire. Here’s that IMF study
I know that I am not perfect. I know that I can be a hypocrite. I know that I could be more generous. I know that I hate conservatives. I fucking hate conservatives.
Ever notice how all those radical Islamic clerics (what the hell is a cleric, anyway?) all like to gesticulate with their right index finger? (Okay, okay, the guy in the middle would use a finger but what the heck, he lost it fighting for his god.) It seems like they’re making a really vital point, but…
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