Nothing to say.

Last night, to my utter shock and horror, I had nothing to say.  I watched a Preston Sturges movie from 1942, The Palm Beach Affair, and still had nothing to say.  To my utter consternation, nothing has come to mind since arising from a warm bed just a half hour ago, other than to make…
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All that, and for what?

Okay, I just pretty much put the finishing touches on our first attempt at a web site.  It’s a lot more robust than the one I had 12 years ago, which was all done in raw html with a program called Web Edit.  Hoo boy, did I think I was fancy!  Unfortunately, the site was…
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Welcome to today.

This is neat.  We have our own website and our own blog, and no matter how much crap we put on this site, it will still not weigh anything nor take up any space in this house.  Electronics is odd that way.  How much did a stack of 78s weigh?  God, do I know the…
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