How to speak Republican!
Try before you buy!
Try before you buy!
Why is it that Americans easily understand the need for universal car insurance but so many can’t grasp that human beings deserve at least as much care as one would gladly give a car?
Okay, America, admit it: 90% of you who “disapprove” of Obama’s Presidency are racists. RACISTS. You’ve all been hiding ever since George Wallace and Richard Nixon gave you a corner to hide in. But watch out, pigs: white people won’t be a majority in just a few short years. (I’m a white guy and I don’t give…
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What the hey. The world can’t live on pellet stoves and solar batteries. Sooner or later, the value of natural gas will become apparent. And if you have a couple of thousand dollars hanging around in a bank account, you’re getting less than 1% interest. If you put it in a CD, you’re lucky to…
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Speak more than one language, for crying out loud. You can do it on the site below for about $35. That gives you six months of learning. {{desc}} via Babbel – Enjoy Learning Languages.
CNN has evidently discovered that there’s something fishy about Republican opposition to the public option in the health care bill. Indeed there is. Take a look.
Instructive viewing.
I got this in my inbox this morning (Sunday Nov. 8 2009) and it caused me to get all righteous and riled, so I did what any normal person would do and put it on my blog. With comments, of course. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty…
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A Conversation About Morality Scene: A classroom at Brooklyn College Time: 4:00 p.m., May 24, 1989 Characters: An old man. Myself. Note: This is fiction. “As soon as a person becomes aware of the objects around him, he considers them in relation to himself, and rightly so, because his whole fate depends on whether they please or displease…
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Whee! This isn’t just a win for the Democrats. But let’s crow just a little bit. Democrats haven’t had anyone representing this area of New York since Lincoln was President. So, in that sense, Fox News and its acolytes should be pissing in their pants rather than passing the pizza and Pepsi. All they can…
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