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Category Archives: War on Christmas
Persecuted Christians
Who’s more persecuted, Christians or atheists? Imagine a kindergarten teacher in a public school who pointedly refuses to say “under God” while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. Imagine an American President who doesn’t say, “And God bless the United States of America!” … Continue reading
Jesus the intolerant know-it-all
In Mark, chapter 7, we have a good example of Jesus being a nasty bastard who approves of the Old Testament laws involving the killing of children for disobedience. Yes, folks, there is no other way of interpreting this. Sorry. 8 You … Continue reading
snopes.com: White House Ban on ‘Christmas’ Trees
snopes.com: White House Ban on ‘Christmas’ Trees. Okay, here we go again. I’m….I’m….indignant! How can people be so stupid as to have to worry about what the frigging White House does vis-a-vis their stupid god — or demi-god? Is their silly Jay-zuss … Continue reading
Who gives two squirts?
There’s currently a big to-do about Fox News idiot Megyn Kelly’s assertion that both Santa and Jesus were white. (Actually, further betraying her pig-ignorance, I believe she said “are white.”) As a result, well-meaning folks like gentle, liberal Christians have … Continue reading
Atheists can be indignant, too.
I began this site with Christmas in mind: it is, after all, December 14 as I write this. We’re right smack in the middle of the War on Christmas. It happens every year. Just in case you’re one of those … Continue reading
Posted in War on Christmas
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