What it all boils down to

Or, as Thomas Paine put it in 1793: The Christian Mythologists, after having confined Satan in a pit, were obliged to let him out again to bring on the sequel of the fable. He is then introduced into the Garden of Eden, in the shape of a snake or a serpent, and in that shape…
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Son of Man

It being Sunday, let us reflect on how utterly internally inconsistent the Bible is. For instance, right now, at the hour I’m writing this, millions of people are worshiping him whom they call The Son of Man. Let’s hear from Isaiah: Psalms 146:3 – Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom…
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Texas Considers Abandoning Medicaid

I see in the Times that Texas is at it again. This time the conservatives there (what is it about that place?) are discussing dropping out of the federal Medicaid program as a means of getting the state out of a $25 billion hole.

The fox and the henhouse.


Yes, the double entendre is intentional. It’s a rather extended one, so you may as well stop examining it now or you’ll get a headache, or maybe just stop wanting to examine double entendres any more, which I’m sure would be a pity.

Car Care vs. Health Care

Why is it that Americans easily understand the need for universal car insurance but so many can’t grasp that human beings deserve at least as much care as one would gladly give a car?

Opposition to Obama

Okay, America, admit it: 90% of you who “disapprove” of Obama’s Presidency are racists. RACISTS. You’ve all been hiding ever since George Wallace and Richard Nixon gave you a corner to hide in. But watch out, pigs: white people won’t be a majority in just a few short years. (I’m a white guy and I don’t give…
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Sarah Palin’s Farewell (First Draft)

Hello, my fellow Alaskans, who really — well, those liberals there, they’d have you — and those taxes, whooo-hoo, what makes us Americans?  Not on my watch, and that’s why I — my refrigerator, we call it a fridge, like most American families, and that is where the goodness in this nation is — we…
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Pig-Dog Conservatives

CPAC — the Conservative Political Action Committee met last week (and no, I don’t care to find out where and precisely when, but it was in February 2009 if you’re curious.)  Every Republican who wants his name in the paper was there (oh, and I am deliberately being non-inclusive in my choice of pronoun here,…
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